Brotherhood · Knowledge · Integrity · Service · Unity
Brotherhood · Knowledge · Integrity · Service · Unity
Alpha Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest co-ed professional business fraternity in the United States. Our history begins in the fall of 1902 when four men began attending evening business classes together at New York University. The Founders occupied the same seats five nights a week. They became acquainted with one another. The four men from Brooklyn (Bergen, Jefferson, Lane, Leach), later known as the Brooklyn Four, walked together over the Brooklyn Bridge from school.
The spirit of the brotherhood grew so strong in the hearts and in the minds of the men from Brooklyn that they decided to suggest to the other members of their class that something be done to perpetuate it, and Alpha Kappa Psi, the first professional fraternity in business, was founded at an organization meeting held on October 5, 1904. Later, a formal application was made to the State of New York for a chapter of incorporation for Alpha Kappa Psi. The application was approved and the charter of incorporation was issued in the name of Alpha Kappa Psi on May 20, 1905.
The Psi Omega chapter began at Santa Clara University on January 8, 2005. More than just another organization or club, we have grown into a group of driven, unique, and passionate students, professors, graduates, and professionals with common interests and goals. We seek to develop principled business leaders in alignment with our 5 core values: Brotherhood, Knowledge, Service, Unity, and Integrity. Psi Omega provides its brothers with professional guidance in a variety of ways, such as interview training, resume building, public speaking, networking, etc.
We pride ourselves on selecting the highest quality candidates who exhibit leadership behavior and potential within all majors and disciplines. Whether your interests are in Finance, Bioengineering, or Music, we look for students who exhibit drive, dedication, and passion in all they do. Our brothers are goal-oriented, focused, and dedicated to applying business principles to their careers no matter what path they choose. Because our brothers come from all majors and backgrounds, our chapter is able to offer countless opportunities for growth and learning.
Our alumni network runs deep into Silicon Valley and extends into all industries and professions. Our connections in the Bay Area have led to many internships and full-time job offers for our brothers, allowing us to form strong relationships with these local companies. We invite you to join our brotherhood to learn, laugh and grow with individuals like you. So take the first steps to create these lasting memories and become a part of the lifelong experience of Alpha Kappa Psi.
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